
Monday, September 13, 2010

First Day High

September 13, 2010Monday
first day of classes
Star International School

3:35 am. I woke up with new sense of purpose. This day is the official start of a new academic year. And as always, no matter how gloomy my previous days were, every first day in school always gives me an uncharacteristically euphoric feeling. I can almost taste the tang of learning and teaching challenges that linger in the air. I wanted to go back to sleep , silently reminding myself that I might need the benefit of complete rest, considering the string of challenges I might be facing ahead, but no matter how I tried, my mind stayed awake , though I my eyes were closed.

4:00 am Miraculously, my cp alarm vibrated. I totally gave up my attempt to sleep. I turned on my laptop and checked messages in YM and Facebook. Some of the posts were quite disheartening.... except that I resolved that nothing and no one can and should break my focus on the day ahead. I needed to start the day right, and that meant striving to correct any misdeeds , tying frayed ends, untangling threads that accumulated in the previous day that somehow threaten the success of the moment.

5:30 am After a particularly inspiring conversation with Mike, and a relaxing yoga routine I now am ready to face the day. The first rays of sun filtering thru the window brought a smile on my lips. Ah, life is indeed , beautiful! That mantra played in my head while I ate my breakfast, prepared our packed lunch and geared myself for the tasks ahead.

6:00 am Ms Claire picked us up. We had to start early because we still have to drop Ms Donna at Star International School-Mirdiff. It was a particularly long journey, and somehow my lack of sleep caught on me and I drifted off. When I woke up, it was to find out that we've already touched base (lol)
The Reading Corner, Y2-Green

7:15 am Mr. John was already in the room. We exchanged pleasantries and fell into a lighthearted discussion about how we spent our weekends and the Eid celebration in particular. Such light conversation however cannot mask the cornucopia of apprehension, excitement, tension , because after all, we're both particularly "newbies " in different respects. He, because he's new in school and I, because I'm new in primary school. In a sense, both of us are still "feeling our way" into this plane of the academic adventure.
Being "Wild" about Books

8:00 am It turned out that our worries were unfounded. The kids placed in our charge were well behaved (they usually are, in the first day of We were expecting 16, but only a dozen showed up. And to make everything smoother, we even have Ms Faiza, a shadow teacher to her son, Hasan. From the moment the kids entered the room, usually accompanied by their parents, everything proceeded so smoothly one could glide on it.
writing time

The children were cooperative in the games, artworks, writing tasks and other prepared activities. Ms Faizah, who knew the routine quite well made things easy for us. Ms Rowena (Henson) also volunteered to assist me.

Mr John, with some of the Year 2-Green pupils

Aside from periodically consulting the timetable, everything wen't well and it was almost a surprise that we realized it was already dismissal time.

2:40 pm As I watched the last of the children being fetched by their parents, i breathed a prayerful relief. Watching the then, empty room (with probably a smile pasted on my face), I realized, the classroom is not yet done. There are just so many things to accomplish. For the whole school year. For this term. But today, is a good start.

Thank you, heavenly Father, for a wonderful day.

Monday, August 2, 2010


I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody." Bill Cosby

Bill Cosby couldn't have been more prophetic with this statement. I wish i could have realized this in the early years of my life.

Back when i was a child up to my teens when i breathe in every chance to please my parents, my teachers, my peers, my relatives, my siblings, my neighbors...

Back when i was in college when it fills me with delight to do things for my friends, roommates, boardmates, schoolmates, teachers and my family....

Back when i started to work and my ultimate goal was to deliver and please my superiors and my colleagues.

I was...what one can say... a ship sailing freely by. I was contented of it for awhile. Laid no anchor... bore no roots... catered to the whims of everybody... but i made sure I PAID MY DUES.

One of my superiors commented that she can't find fault with my work. But if there's something that she thinks i should really learn: is the art of saying "NO".

And she was right, too. But still, borne out of habit i find myself in situations when I resolved to say "NO" but found myself, to my utter consternation, saying "YES".

Finally, i decided to get out of my comfort zone. Truly got out so far... out of the country. Maybe it is a desperate calling to myself to fill the void, the emptiness that was lurking in me.

This is not the first time that i have been with strangers. Total strangers. So different from the people i grew up with. So unlike the gentility that characterize the people coming from the peaceful place where i was raised.

As soon as my wobbly feet stepped on this land, things began to happen to me at once. It was as if, the hands of Fates are closing around me, ensnaring me, throwing me from one turmoil to the next.

And there's no safe avenue.

Before, even if my work was killing me with fatigue, i can look forward to a fitful , peaceful evening at home or in bed.

But here... that sense of peace is nowhere to be found. Everybody seems to be operating on some kind of self-defense mode. Every turn of the corner lurks a personal demon waiting to pounce on its unsuspecting victim. Every thump of the heart is a bomb just waiting to explode. Every laughter is an empty bell of self-doubt and false bravado. Every smile offered is suspect to revision as it flags of malice and mistrust. Everyone is an empty shell barely struggling to survive.

This place steals one's soul. And once again, i saw it. And it submerged me in a deafening roar, threatened to claim my spirit, almost drowned my principles and everything i perceived to be just and right. Almost.

The first time i dared speak: Oh God, it felt so great. It was liberating. And it served its purpose. Little by little i will learn. It's just a matter of time.

This is the time, when i need to be my strongest. I am here for a purpose. I am here for a cause. But most significantly, I AM HERE.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Hannah d' Angel

Finally, after 8 months in this desert, we struck a gold mine (or would it be apt to say an oil well?). Yes, we have long admitted that some people here treat us like we are beneath them just because of the difference in the color of our skin. FOREWARNED WAS FOREARMED. I was half-expecting this to happen, yet in the deepest recesses of my soul, i was still hoping for something better.

Somehow, amidst the people who have either intentionally or unknowingly let us down, somebody emerges which restores our faith in humanity. Angels come in different packages. They may come from afar or just there, where you are.

Meet Hannah Gelati, our UAE angel.
Ms Hannah Gelati

The first time we met her (3 months ago- during our trip to Oman) I thought, she was just too good to be true.
road trip to Oman

She wasn't like any other European. Not that I consider myself quite an authority on the subject, but I am basing my observations on my (very) close and constant brushes with some in school where I am presently employed.

Hannah wasn't patronising at all and she seemed to take genuine interest in what we were saying and doing.

Then, a month after, she invited us to a simple gathering in her flat. There, I observed how she prepared for us ... not only our dinner but she presented herself without any artifice... welcoming and immersing herself in our company.
at Hannah's place

I thought it was to be the end of our liaison because the succeeding months, we were both besieged with a cornucopia of school activities, thrown into some serious work-related maladies and faced with our personal demons. Yet, wonders of all wonders, she kept in touch. A few weeks before the school year closed, she invited us again for a get together.

I am not much of a party girl, but I am not also one to disregard an offer of genuine companionship...minus all the trappings. Thus, one Thursday, after a particularly stressful week, we found ourselves mingling with a new crowd (of mixed races-partygoers).
We agreed to meet in Barasti, quite a crowded bar by the Jumeiran seaside.
at Barasti and Zinc

Good people attract good souls. That was also the time when we first met Bryan, Hannah's good friend.
meet Bryan

After a bottle of soda and beer for some, we decided that the music, mainly, in Barasti is not that "riveting" and "danceable". So, we jumped in at Bryan's car and headed out to Zinc, a disco house at the heart of the city. (Well it could've been the "guts" coz i'm still debating if the city does have a heart). The party was already in full swing. The huge dance floor, was literally packed with bodies moving in time with the music which, thankfully, this time is ultra-hip and modern. We just danced until dawn, never even pausing to take a breath.

That was followed by more gatherings, which we deemed necessary when we found out that Ms Hannah is planning to quit her job and probably leave Dubai. It was as if the Fates blessed our liaison because she presented us with opportunities to be together again:
the campaign of Star International at the Sahara Mall;
Ms. Anne's Birthday;
Disco at the Chi Bar where we met the infamous Kaya of the Pussycat Dolls.

Finally, it was time for us to say our farewell. Generous as she is, although we know life dealt her with several blows, she still managed to present each one of us a parting gift: a bracelet with the inscription: Forever H .
The Forever H Bracelets from Ms Hannah

Little did she know that the inscription was not merely to stay on the bracelet, for Ms Hannah Gelati, made a deep and lasting impression in our hearts.
We love you, Ms Hannah Gelati. God Bless You.

This too, shall pass

Dubai. A place where no one in his right mind would stay forever. Don't get me wrong. It's supposed to harbor the "-ests" of this world... as advertised AND EXXAGERATEDLY SO all over major networks and newspapers all over the world. The first time I came here, a part of me which always craved to be an architect marvelled at the skyscrapers, the neo-designs, the absurd the seemingly impossible but staring at you right before your eyes.

Well maybe, i am just missing home too much. It's warm enough here (are you kidding?) But i miss the soulful warmth of my country. They say that Dubai is a crime-free country... but why did i feel more secure in my homeland? It has been 8 months... and that's all it took for me to see Dubai for what it really is. Sans the magnificent and awe-inspiring artificial mammoths, it still very much what it was, a good 10-15 years ago: A DESERT.

I have always prided myself as a positivist. But i am also a realist. Whenever i find myself in a middle of a crowd, and observe people, i have never seen so many who walked mechanically... whose smiles don't quite reach their eyes... whose inner struggles seem to follow them and flash on their heads like neon lights. Sometimes, i don't want to look at people here anymore for fear of what i'd discover in their eyes.

And i am afraid... not only for myself... but for the people near me. I think, the artificial arms of this place is already snaking thru their minds...claiming their hearts. Oh God, is it just a matter of time before this impending doom claim my being as well? There is one rule that dominates this planet since time immemorial: SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST. I need help. But i have no one to turn to. I dare not speak my thoughts to anyone for fear that they'd mock this weakness.

Somehow, i know, i believe that this too, shall pass. I just hope that when this interim in my life is over...that i still have my values intact.

God, grant us the serenity
to accept the things we cannot change
the courage to change the things we can
and the wisdom
to know the difference.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

My Safari Adventures

The air was warm and humid; the sun still up at around 5:30 pm when we set off for one of the adventures I've been looking forward to since I arrived in Dubai.

Ms Hannah and I waited beside Dubai Grand Hotel for the tourist bus that will take us to the starting point at the Hatta Desert. The tour was rescheduled at the later hour owing to the scorching heat of the sun.
It was almost 7.30 pm when we reached the starting point where land cruisers were waiting for us. The sun was still unceremoniously beaming proudly from its standpoint at the cloudless sky.

When I asked people who have experienced the desert safari before, some of them warned me about this part. Some even shared outright that it was scary. I braced myself for the ride and found it to be one of the high points of the entire trip.
I noticed that the drivers deflated the wheels of the land cruisers, apparently to make travelling on the sand easier. We were the last group to leave (there were about 6 or 7 groups of 7 : the capacity of each land cruiser) I was surprised they allowed children, even toddlers. But they assured us that it was perfectly safe. Still i had my doubts as i watched the first land cruiser calmly rise on the sand dune and disappeared leaving a cloud of dust.

Not for the queasy, i admit... because the experience is pretty much like a roller coaster ride. And nothing prepared me for the stomach churning wave that assailed me whenever the land cruiser dips, turns, rises and yes, jumps at death-defying degree. I have to admire the practiced and superb handling of the driver-cum-tour guide, who played some rock music in sync with the journey, it was like watching a movie, except that i am in it. He even talked relentlessly about how his kids loved this part of desert safari, maybe to help calm our tattered nerves.

After several minutes of dune bashing, you kinda get used to it... that's when i started being confident enough to take pictures. Wasn't easy though, what with the constant jolt and being tilted to an uncomfortable degree. But somehow, i managed to take some good shots. others appeared blurry, but i was glad my camera (and my stomach) was intact after the experience.

You'd think that after the dune bashing, you'd have had enough of rides to cap the Safari experience. Nah. 'Twas just the beginning


I have always wondered how it would feel to ride on a camel. Another wonder put to rest. As soon as we alighted from the land cruiser, a quick sweep of my eyes caught the camels just lying good naturedly near the entrance gates. I literally had to keep my mouth from gaping. That was the first time I came very close to a camel set on its natural habitat. (Somehow, the backdrop made all the difference) I marvelled at the mammal's serene beauty. So huge, yet so gentle.

Like a child thirsting for sweets, I asked the hesitant Ms Hannah if we can ride on a camel. We had to wait awhile because there was quite a queue, waiting to have their turns of the majestic ride. ( Hey, I know i'm exaggerating here...but that's how i see it after reading pages and pages about great men, including the three maggis braving the desert on these docile but strong mammals)

The ride was short. Lasting only for about 5 minutes. But boy, it was one of the best rides of my life! How can something so majestic be so gentle? The world offers a different vista nestled between the hunches of this unruffled animal. A sense of peace... stillness engulfed me. Just as the desert sun began to set, I dismounted , instantly feeling the earth and all its realities beneath my soles. There was a certain discomfort too, looking at its docile eyes framed by absurdly long eyelashes... the eyes bore into your souls. Or was it just my imagination?


A desert safari ad read that the only time a person becomes a perfect meanderer is when he or she is on a quad bike safari; that quad bike safaris are a toast to every adventurer’s thirst which alone can quench your adrenaline rush. Outside the gates of the camp, the quad bikes are temptingly lined up. Men and women, even teenagers appeared to be enjoying the "rush". I naturally wanted to try, except that i have this reservations about "things on wheels" since my accident a few months back. So , i settled for a quiet feel of the bikes here, to our tour guide's amusement.



Traditional tasseled Arabian carpets... low tables and cushions for comfortable seating... sumptuous barbecue meals... all set under the canopy of a balmy starlit skies... this is the typical Bedouin Camp.

I've read about them in books, or watched bedouin camps portrayed in movies... but somehow, nothing prepared me for the ambiance of the camp that instantly reminded me of Arabian nights, even though the camp is just a replica of the real thing.

We helped ourselves to some refreshments (tea, coffee, juice, softdrinks,--hard drinks are not allowed) and some sandwiches or vegetable wraps, as soon as we entered the camp. I took stock of our surroundings while munching some of the healthy and delicious wraps. There were quite a number of tourists around, but the camp is not that busy as I observed quite a number of vacant cushions. There was even a man-made little fountain, which filled me with awe as I reminded myself that we are supposed to be in the middle of the Hatta desert.


Ms Hannah assured me it's totally ok to have henna painting for it just comes off in a week or so. Well, I was there to experience new things, and so, it didn't take me second prodding to have a henna tattoo . I marvelled at the creativity and dexterity of the woman who designed the tattoo. It took less than a minute for her to complete a flower design on my left hand. The henna felt cold against my skin at first ; a few minutes after, I removed the surface which hardened into a scab. After seeing the beautiful imprint, I almost wished I had it placed on my lower spine.

The camp also provided a variety of unique experiences that one can choose to indulge oneself in. At a far corner, some men enjoyed the aromatic Sheesha also known as ‘hookah’. On one side is a room filled with traditional arabian costumes . There was also a section of a craftsman who designed jars and frames out of the desert sand. Towards the middle of the evening, we treated ourselves to a sumptuous dinner buffet with a wide variety of barbecued delicacies and salads as the main course. The memorable evening is capped by the stunning performance under the star-lit sky by the exotic belly dance and fire dancer.


Amidst the chatter of my fellow tourists in the bus on our way back home, I was filled with a sense of fulfillment after the desert safari experience which is worth remembering and worth experiencing again ... especially with people you love.

Monday, May 24, 2010

hand crafts: Nursery Rhymes

Incy Wincy spider climbed up the water spout
down came the rain and washed the spider out
out came the sun and dried up all the rain
and the incy wincy spider..
climbed up the spout again.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

all the king's horses, and all the king's men

couldn't put Humpty, together again

Hickory, Dickory Dock

The mouse ran up the clock

the clock struck one, the mouse ran down...

Hickory, dickory, dock.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Displays and Boards 7: ANIMALS MENAGERIE

Fluffy Floppy
The Aviary

Fishbowl Fun

Catty Hats

Look at the Puzzles we made!


Saturday, May 22, 2010

Boards and Displays 6: SPRINGTIME

Springtime in FS RED 1

Butterflies ...fluttering by...

Friendship Chains

The Food FS red 1 love

Boards and Displays 5: THE SEASIDE

Postcards and sandcastles by FS 1Red

Free painting of the sea creatures and objects

Seaside activity area

Boards and Displays 4: A DAY IN SAFA PARK

Safa Park Adventure Picture Collage A day in Safa Park.... Teddy Bear Picnic with Foundation 1, Star International School

Boards and Displays 3: WATER TRANSPORTS

Folded Paper Sailboats
FS Red 1 Free Painting of Water transports

Boards and Displays 2: AIR TRANSPORTS

Hot Air Balloons (Paper Mache')

Rocket Ships from Scraps (water bottles)

Paper Aeroplanes on display

FS Red 1 Free Paintings of Air transports

Boards and Displays 1: LAND TRANSPORTS

Foundation 1 Red Express

Models of transports from scraps

FS REd 1 free paintings on road transportation